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Vulcanizer maintenance

Release date:2018-12-19 visits:

As a conveyor belt joint tool, the vulcanizing machine should be maintained and maintained in the same way as other tools during and after use to prolong the service life. The vulcanizing machine produced by the general company has a service life of 8 years as long as it is properly maintained.

Pay attention to the following issues when maintaining the vulcanizer:

1. The storage environment of the vulcanizer should be kept dry and well ventilated to avoid the wetness of the electrical circuit caused by moisture;

2. Do not use the vulcanizing machine outdoors on rainy days to prevent the electric control box and the heating plate from entering the water;

3. If the working environment is damp and watery, when dismantling and handling the vulcanizing machine, the items on the ground should be raised, and the vulcanizer should not be in direct contact with water;

4. If the heating plate enters the water due to improper operation during the use, first contact the manufacturer for repair. If emergency repair is required, open the cover on the hot plate, pour the water out first, then set the electric control box to manual operation, warm to 100 ° C, keep the temperature for half an hour, and dry the line. The belt is glued in the manual state. At the same time, the manufacturer should be contacted in time to make the overall replacement of the line.

5. If the vulcanizer does not need to be used for a long time, the heating plate should be heated every half month (the temperature is set at 100 °C) and the temperature is maintained for about half an hour.

6. After each use, the water in the water pressure plate should be cleaned, especially in winter. If the water cannot be cleaned, the water pressure plate rubber will prematurely age and the service life of the water pressure plate will decrease.

The correct way to release water is after the vulcanization is completed and the vulcanizer is not removed before disassembly. If the water is released after the machine is disassembled, the water in the water pressure plate may not be completely discharged.

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